
Showing posts from November 19, 2017

Another devotion story...

Why does Chaucer include a story about abstinence in contrast to the many “lecherous” and marriage-related stories that have be told so far?

The Second Nun’s Tale

Cecile answerede, ‘O nice creature, Thow seidest no word, sin thow spak to me, That I ne knew therwith thy nicetee, And that thow were, in every manner wise, A lewed officer and a vein justise. (493-497)

The Second Nun’s Tale

“Thre dayes lyved she in this torment, And nevere cessed hem the feith to teche That she hadde fostred; hem she gan to preche,” (Lines 537-539) This is the mosaic above the altar in the crypt of St. Cecilia

The Second Nun's Tale

And if that he may feelen, out of drede, That ye me touche, or love in vileynye, He right anon wol sle yow with the dede, And in youre yowthe thus ye shullen dye; (155-158)

Second Nun's Tale

Three Amigos from 'That shal I telle,' quod she, 'er I go. Right as a man hath sapiences thre - Memorye, engin, and intellect also - So in o beinge of divinitee Thre persones may ther right wel be.' (Lines 337-341)

2nd Nun's Tale

"The longe nyght, and eek a day also, For al the fir and eek the bathes hete She sat al coold and feelede no wo. It made hire nat a drope for to swete. But in that bath hir lif she moste lete," (519-523)

The 2nd Nun's Tale

"Men myghten dreden wel and skilfully This lyf to lese, myn owene deere brother, If this were lyvynge oonly and noon other." (320-322) (Jurassic Park, 1993)